Sunday, February 27, 2011

Grow Something

So I have been feeling a little quilty about my first post, and I am afraid that some of you may not have read the article.   Oh well, I'll have to post a link to it again at a later date. 

I also have lots of ideas to write about, but I chose one this week that you can start tomorrow.  Or whenever, but it is a great time to start right about now. 

Grow something. 


We grow children around here, but that is not what I am talking about.  Get a few terra-cotta pots, put some dirt in them and plant some herb seeds. Water well until they sprout and are good and healthy.  Then just water them when the soil looks dry.   Here is a great tutorial on growing herbs in used cans.  Look how cute.  Just add some twine or ribbon and it can look so pretty!

How awesome would it be to have your own cilantro, chives, basil, or garlic (or herb of your choice)?  This way you know exactly everything that has gone into the plant.  It's all organic.  It brightens up your kitchen.  I think it's totally time for people to get more personal with the things they eat. 

And I'm sorry, but I am totally going to argue that anything you grow yourself always tastes better than anything you could buy from the store.  Except children- maybe.  I can't vouch for that. I haven't really tasted mine.


  1. So tell me what I am doing wrong-my cilantro always goes to seed.?

  2. First of all you could cut it and use it before it goes to seed. But if the leaves are not big enough or it is still kind of puny try this. BEFORE it goes to seed, but you can see it with buds or whatever, pinch them off. Pinch off the tips so that they cannot seed. Then the plant should start putting all it's energy into growing bulkier leaves rather than spending it in flowering and seeding. Good Luck!
